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Countdown to the Escape of the Innocent and the Loops!
Destiny awaits us
The Escape of the Innocent and the Loops will start the 40 days of Jesus for repentance on earth. The older volunteers will enter their destinies as the Church of Ephesus and the main portion of the Leah brides and some of the little ones will vanish.
Come out of the World, Babylon and the Churches!
Timeline of the End-Times
2022 Escape of the Innocent/1. Rapture
2022 - 2028 1st to 6th Seal will be opened/War/Famine/Jerusalem
destroyed. First Beast rules the World (Antichrist)
2028/29 Rapture of the Church (2. Rapture) and Sealing of the
144000 at Mt. Zion/Paradise/Mt. Kilimanjaro/Sansibar/
Tanzania/Cradle of Life
2028 - 2029 Rest Year/Training in Paradise/Tanzania/7th Seal
2029 - 2033 3.5 years/1. Dominion of Jesus on Earth/1st - 4th
Trumpet/Rebuilding of Jerusalem/Building of the
Temple/144000 operating in the Nations/2 Witnesses in
2033 Jesus cut off from Jerusalem/Satan thrown down onto the
2033 - 2035/6 3.5 years/5th Trumpet to Bowl Judgements/Pit is
opened/Satan and the second Beast rule the Earth/Israel in
the Wilderness protected from the serpent/2 Witnesses
killed in Jerusalem at the 6th trumpet/3. Rapture
2035/6 Jesus returns with the Saints from Paradise/Battle of
Armageddon/Second Beast, False Prophet thrown in the
Lake of Fire and Satan bound for 1000 years
2037 Jubilee Year/Start Millennium
2037-3037 Millennium of Christ/King of Kings and Lord of Lords/
2. Dominion
3037 Bride returns with New Jerusalem/New Heaven and New
Earth/3. Dominion
GOD's Holy Place:
Walk with us in the Great Exodus:
We are the Joel 2 Army:

A great timeline of Ministry Revealed
Alain and his Team are confirming our New Journey to Paradise - to Mt. Zion where the Rapture will take place at the 6th Seal!
See his great resources here: Ministry Revealed
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