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Dress Rehearsal of the Kingdom

Dress Rehearsal for the Kingdom - Build your Well of Righteousness The LORD is calling forth his true Sons and Daughters: (Courtesy of Diana Olivieri Channel) The Millennium is at hand and we are asked to come together in a Dress Rehearsal: At Triple Grace we are dedicated to help you establishing your own Well of Righteousness where you are building your team of Sons and Daughters of GOD and where you will walk as Jesus did when he was on Earth - in Love, Unity and Support! You are called forth to gather in the Harvest, to show forth the ways of Jesus and to rehearse the Millennium Kingdom in all its Glory. Prepare yourself, join Triple Grace, read the resources, build your team and establish your own well (Assembly) of Sons and Daughters of GOD: Be a matured believer who has an intimate relationship with GOD and show it forth to the World to see! Maranatha! Michael

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