Prophetic Word for the 28th of August 2022

Prophetic Word for the 28th of August 2022 - The day of mighty battles
The day of the Lord has come. A day of mighty battles and of darkness. My Remnant Army is called onto the battlefields.
Good will fight with Evil and all of my creation will be affected. A trap is set and a snare is ready to spring.
The day of mighty battles
It is a day of gloom and darkness that has come onto the earth. The day when the world will stand in perplexity and fear.
Fear of all those things that have come down into the nations. The tribulations have begun.
The day of mighty battles
I am removing the innocent out of harms way. They will be called into my Kingdom to show my Glory and my Power on earth.
For many of my children it will be a rude awakening when they realize that they were left behind. The day of great battles is at hand.
Triple Grace