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Prophetic Word for the 4th of September 2022

Prophetic Word for the 4th of September 2022 - Early Steps

You have entered the new and you are doing now your early steps in the physical manifestation of your destiny.

Do not worry. I will walk with you and hold you by the hand. You will not fall and the enemy can not take you down.

Early Steps

Every upcoming day will bring you deeper and deeper into your purpose for my Kingdom. You are birthed Sons of God and co-heirs to the throne.

You belong to me and my royal household forever. I love you so much and I hold you in the palms of my hand.

Early Steps

My Masterpiece of the End Times has begun to physically manifest on the earth and each step you do is cheered by all who dwell in the Heavens.

My formed and chosen vessels are on display now. Live the principles of Heaven and listen to my voice to guide you in your steps. You will be victorious.


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