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Prophetic Word for the 8th of September 2018

Prophetic Word for the 8th of September 2018 - The Children! I see a Father standing at the edge of a Playground. The Playground is very huge and many children are playing. He calls two names into the crowd - A boy and a girl leave their toys behind and start running towards the man. The Father embraces both children, takes them by the hand and walks with them away from the Playground towards an ice cream parlor where he buys them a giant ice cream. The LORD says: "I am calling forth my true Sons and Daughters from the crowd and whosoever will hear my calling will drop anything he is doing and follows my voice. I will take care of them, protect them and will provide for them abundantly! The true Sons and Daughters of GOD are being called forth from the World to join the Father and to separate themselves from the crowd. Are you hearing the call of the Father to come out to do a new thing? Michael Triple Grace Support our prophetic words blog by becoming a member of Triple Grace and one of our Patrons here: Take part in the non-yeast fast from 5th to 12th of September 2018: The Restoration of all Things - 95 Theses:

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