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Do not compromise!

No Compromise and Sharing resources! The LORD has called you forth into your destiny but you compromise every day. Compromise to please others, out of religious spirits, to get acceptance, to fit in the crowd, out of family concerns, to avoid confrontations, to be part of the group and not be called names. The LORD is looking for true commitment no matter of the consequences, no matter of cuts and bruises and no matter of reputation. Do not compromise anymore but follow your destiny in the LORD. Stand tall in Spirit and Truth and draw the line today against the world, luxuries and conveniences! Today is the day of true commitment towards the LORD and his coming Kingdom - Your Day to be written in the Book of Life! Sharing you resources is also part of your destiny. Everybody who has an income or wealth is called forth to share his resources with the community. Here a few bible verses to understand the concept of sharing: Ephesians 4:28, Hebrews 3:16, Luke 6:35, Luke 6:38, Proverbs 11:17, Proverbs 19:17, Proverbs 22:9, Proverbs 31:20, Romans 12:13, Romans 12:20, Philippians 2:3-4, Luke 3:10-11, Luke 12:33-34, Acts 2:45-46, 1 John 3:16-18, 1 Timothy 6:17-19, Acts 32-35 All true believers in Christ and especially the true Sons and Daughters of GOD are called to share their resources for the advancement of the Kingdom to come. Use your funds for Kingdom purposes only - This is GOD's Banking: If you do not know how to start sharing your funds for the Glory of GOD, why not supporting our Mission to establish Assemblies of Righteousness in all Nations by becoming our Patron: This would be a great commitment towards the spreading of the Gospel of the Kingdom worldwide! Do not compromise and share your resources! Michael Triple Grace

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