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Prophetic Word for the 19th of September 2018

Prophetic Word for the 19th of September 2018 - The Book of Life! I see a huge book being opened. A pen appears and guided by an invisible hand it writes names down in the book. Page after page names are being recorded. Finally the Book is shut and I can read the title of the book: "The Book of Life" The LORD says: "I am writing the names of my people in the Book of Life. Whosoever is found in this book has eternal life." "I am judging the hearts of everybody and determine if they are worthy to be written in the Book of Life." The Book of Life is opened and names are being recorded. Are you worthy to have eternal life so that your name is written in the Book? Michael Triple Grace Support our prophetic words blog by becoming a member of Triple Grace and one of our Patrons here: GOD's Banking:

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