Prophetic Word for the 22nd of September 2018
Prophetic Word for the 22nd of September 2018 - The chosen ones! In front of me is a huge crowd of people from all Nations but they are all pale as without any color. Suddenly one person appears red and when he changed color he walked out of the crowd and to a new place separated from the multitude. The next person in the crowd turned red and walked out. Then another and another until the new place was filled with a small group of red people. They stood separated from the crowd and through their color they appeared very different. The LORD says: "I am calling forth my elected ones, my chosen, to be separated and different from the World. They will follow my commandments and will enter into their destinies" "They will be my example of Love towards all creation and my righteousness will reach the 4 corners of the Earth." Red is the color of love and sacrifice and many red balloons are ready to fly to enter their destinies in the LORD and to change this world forever by being an example of the coming Kingdom. The chosen ones will go forth covered with GOD's Glory! Michael Triple Grace Support our prophetic words blog by becoming a member of Triple Grace and one of our Patrons here: The next Level: