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Prophetic Word for the 30th of September 2018

Prophetic Word for the 30th of September 2018 - The Wealth Transfer! I see a huge mountain of gold coins on the left and only a few coins on the right. A few people who are smiling are dancing around the huge mountain on the left but the multitude on the right sit next to the few coins. A whirlwind appears in the middle and it sucks all the coins from the big mountain until only 1 coin remains. Then I see that the coins in the whirlwind is getting deposited on the right where the multitude is. A great shout of Joy comes from the multitude when the coins start to glow in a bright light. The LORD says: "The Wealth of the Sinner is stored up for the Righteous. I will provide you the resources you need for Kingdom purposes - not to make you rich but for the advancement of the Millennium in complete Faith" "Use the wealth to establish places of safety, to lift up the meek and poor and to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom to all Nations. Do not misuse the resources I will give you or they will be removed from you as well." The Wealth Transfer is at hand. Turn your heart to the Father to be counted as righteous to receive the resources needed to do the work of the LORD! The wealth will be given for Kingdom purposes only - Be aware and understand the penalty if you use them for your own egoistic pleasures. Michael Triple Grace Safe Haven Forum: Support our prophetic words blog by becoming a member of Triple Grace and one of our Patrons here: The Sons and Daughters of GOD:

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