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Prophetic Word for the 6th of October 2018

Prophetic Word for the 6th of October 2018 - Access to the Holy Place! I see an ancient path, very narrow, leading up a mountain. On top of the mountain as small gate. It opens and I see a highway leading into Heaven. Few people walking in a single file up to the gate where a huge Angel opens the Gate for them. On the highway these people travel very fast and I see them entering the Holy Place of GOD. The LORD says: "Now you have entered a new year and a new way of life. Walk the ancient path I am laying in front of you. A tried path, walked by true Sons of GOD before but forgotten by most." "Walk that ancient path to the small gate on the mountain of Holiness. If you knock, my angel will open and you will have access to the Holy Place!" "See I am making all things new and the ancient path is ready for you. Accept it, walk in righteousness and turn to me alone. The Saints of Old will tend to you and guide you to the ancient path. Listen to them!" Access to the Holy Place is granted if you walk the ancient path and enter through the small gate onto the Highway of Holiness. Listen to your dreams and visions. The Lord and His Saints will show you where you can enter onto the ancient path. A new way of life but of old, tried and tested and ready for all true Sons and Daughters of GOD! Michael Triple Grace Receive your own personal prophetic Word: Join the Triple Grace Training Academy:

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