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Kingdom Purpose Week

Kingdom Purpose Week - Declare to stand with the LORD! All true believers are called forth to commit this week, from the 13th to 20th of October 2018, a small token towards the Kingdom - for Kingdom purposes only. With only $1.00 you will show forth your personal declaration to be part of the Kingdom of our LORD. To be a true Son and Daughter of GOD, the Father. We will publish all names that participated on our website under the Declaration page at the end of the week. It will be followed by a prayer session for all who have made a declaration! The funds will be used for Charity but the token are symbolic for your commitment to GOD and His Kingdom. The point of this call is to make a stand, to draw a line and to choose between the LORD or the World. Choose today whom you will serve! One Dollar will show forth your commitment to stand with GOD and to separate from the World and Babylon. Show forth your Light by being part of the Kingdom Purpose week. Choose today whom you will serve! Here the link for your personal declaration: Michael Triple Grace Join our Triple Grace Academy: See our Daily Prophetic Word Blog here:

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