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Winning or Losing - You decide!

The Church Age is over - Turn your heart to GOD! It is not enough to come out of the man made churches and replacing it with House churches. It is not enough to follow Jesus and not copying his ways. Prayers should be intimate talks with the Father not meetings or dances in public. Reading the Bible is not enough if you do not act on the written words. Come together in Love, Unity and Support and act as Jesus did, look through His eyes, walk as He did and be a true Son and Daughter of GOD, the Father. We talked for far too long. Now it is time to act and to build Assemblies of Righteousness. Similar to the first groups the apostles build after Jesus ascended to Heaven. Walking in the ways of Jesus and filled with Spirit and Truth. Sharing resources and acting daily by spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom to all Nations. Jesus gave you the only example of how you should live. Why don't you copy it? Why don't I see thousands of people who look like Jesus. All I see are people hiding in Churches, hiding behind the bible and hiding in prayer meetings or worship conferences. Is that your commitment to the Father? Is that what you call spreading the Gospel? Come out of man made churches and build your Assembly of Righteousness. Help to bring together the Commonwealth of GOD - a Union of all Assemblies worldwide - for the benefit of the coming Kingdom and for Kingdom purposes only. Walk the ancient path as Jesus did and turn your heart to GOD, the Father. Choose this day whom you will serve - the World or GOD. You can not stay in man made churches and be a true Son or Daughter of GOD. Separate yourself from the World and have access to the Holy Place. GOD wants a Son or Daughter not a follower! The path lays in front of you. Jesus gave you the example. Now walk it in Love, Unity and Support together in Assemblies of Righteousness: Build the Commonwealth of GOD: Commit yourself completely to the Father as a true Son or Daughter of GOD would do: Stop hiding and step out for the Father into the Glory of Jesus and be a Light in the Darkness! Michael Triple Grace Learn how to build Assemblies of Righteousness at the Triple Grace Training Academy:

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