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Prophetic Word for the 23rd of October 2018

Prophetic Word for the 23rd of October 2018 - The white Stone! A white stone manifests on the ground. It has a writing on it. Another one appears with similar markings. More and more white stones are covering the ground. The manifestation of Righteousness and coming forth of the true Sons and Daughters is taking place. Finally the World will see the Glory of GOD. Visions and Scriptures are being fulfilled right in front of my eyes. It is the acceptable year of the LORD and the day of vengeance of our GOD. The waiting period is over and the manifestation is taking place. Heaven is covering the Earth and the Spirit moves over all Nations. My mind starts to praise GOD: "Glory to GOD in Heaven, our Father, the creator of Heaven and Earth, the Master of the Universe" The white Stone is manifesting that will grow into a Mountain and smash the evil in the World! Maranatha! Praise to the Father! The Time and Manifestation has come! Michael Triple Grace Stand with the LORD in our Kingdom Purpose Week: Become a Commonwealth of GOD Sponsor: Be listed on our website on the Kingdom Purpose Wall:

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