Prophetic Word for the 2nd of November 2018
Prophetic Word for the 2nd of November 2018 - Calling forth! The calls you forth to come together in Love, Unity and Support as His true Sons and Daughters of Him. Build Assemblies of righteousness in the Nations. Come out of the old churches, traditions, nationalism and egoistic thinking and embrace the new way of living in the Spirit and Truth. Show forth an example instead to hide behind pulpits or church doors. Do active deeds of Loving- Kindness daily instead of I am first mentality. Come out of the old and walk the new but ancient path of Love, Unity and Support in the manner as Jesus walked on Earth. Your time to shine has finally arrived. Do not miss it because of arrogance and pride but serve your GOD as a true Son or Daughter. You are called forth as the Light in the Darkness! Michael Triple Grace Stand with the LORD in our Kingdom Purpose Week: Become a Commonwealth of GOD Sponsor: Be listed on our website on the Kingdom Purpose Wall: