Prophetic Word for the 3rd of November 2018
Prophetic Word for the 3rd of November 2018 - Believe the unbelievable! The dawn has come for miracles and wonders. The LORD will show that He is not to be placed in a box and many unlikely people will bring mankind forward to the Millennium Kingdom. The time has come to lift up the needy and the last will be the first. Nameless and Faceless will suddenly lead the people of GOD onto the path of righteousness and many big names will find themselves in front of empty places. Unity will strive and support for one another will be the norm and this across borders and in all nations of the Earth. Compassion and Happiness will go hand in hand and all will work for the betterment of mankind instead of personal careers or egoistic purposes. The Millennium Kingdom will be rehearsed by groups of believers and many people will not believe their eyes. Believe the unbelievable! Michael Triple Grace Stand with the LORD in our Kingdom Purpose Week: Become a Commonwealth of GOD Sponsor: Be listed on our website on the Kingdom Purpose Wall: