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Prophetic Word for the 7th of November 2018

Prophetic Word for the 7th of November 2018 - John will tend to you! I see John the Baptist at the Jordan River. Then he changes to Elijah and walks to the top of a mountain where he builds an altar and gathers people together. Fire is falling on this altar and a new revival is starting. John/Elijah will tend to you with a new altar and the gathering of people from all Nations. The saints of old are returning to help us bringing in the great harvest for the rapture. You will receive saintly help in all your actions for the Kingdom and for all deeds that will advance the Millennium. John will tend to you but only if you turn your hearts to the Father! Pray so that you may receive the help of the Saints of old and that you may come to the new altar of the LORD. John will tend to you! Michael Triple Grace Stand with the LORD in our Kingdom Purpose Week: Become a Commonwealth of GOD Sponsor: Be listed on our website on the Kingdom Purpose Wall:

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