Prophetic Word for the 8th of November 2018
Prophetic Word for the 8th of November 2018 - Gifts giving! I see a woman carrying a huge parcel and someone asks her where she will bring it. She says that it is a Kingdom parcel for the LORD and it will be used to bring forth places of righteousness. The parcel opens and money is flying out to all Nations. As soon as the money hits the ground in the different Nations a Light will show up. Plenty of Lights start to shine in the World. The end time funds for the Righteous will be given by the fortunate so that the Kingdom of the LORD will be built. Are you a fortunate, wealthy person? Then fill the Kingdom parcel with funds so that places for the LORD can be established in all Nations. Links for filling the parcel are below! It is time for giving Gifts to advance the Kingdom! Be part of it! Michael Triple Grace Stand with the LORD in our Kingdom Purpose Week: Become a Commonwealth of GOD Sponsor: Be listed on our website on the Kingdom Purpose Wall: