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Triple Grace needs your help!

Triple Grace needs your help - Michael appeals to your heart! I have come to a point where I can not shoulder the burden of Triple Grace alone anymore. Triple Grace takes care of Assemblies of Righteousness worldwide and I need you to partner up with me and help with building more groups worldwide and to lift up the meek and suffering in many Nations. Select any option at our Patreon page: Please have a look at my website: and come together in a group of heart-filled sponsors who are willing to bring forth the Love of the Father into the World. I need your financial help to establish the Assemblies in as many places as possible for the advancement of the Kingdom of the LORD. I appeal to your heart to listen to the many cries and tears of needy people in the Nations and to send them through Triple Grace a helping hand that will lift them up. In the spirit of the holidays I appeal to your heart and pray that I can welcome you as a partner or sponsor of Triple Grace. There many different options for you to support our Mission: Become a Gold Sponsor of Triple Grace: Select any option at our Patreon page: Receive our spiritual guidance, the Book of Love, the standard literature of Triple Grace at Amazon: Kindle Version - Paperback Version - Open your heart, select an option and become a partner or sponsor of Triple Grace. Every new partner or sponsor will receive a holiday gift from us as appreciation of our Love towards him. These holidays are the time to visit your heart and to do an act of loving-kindness. GOD will bless you and your family abundantly. Have a great and safe Holiday! Thank you, Michael Triple Grace

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