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Prophetic Word for the 30th of November 2018

Prophetic Word for the 30th of November 2018 - Red Balloons! I see a red balloon flying. More Balloons are going up. All are red in color. They fly over the Earth as a statement of the LORD. A Warning has been issued that now all is done and a new dawn is breaking. Joy for the children of GOD and judgement for the followers of the enemy. Are you standing on the side of the LORD? If not then judgement will fall and you will have no protection nor any way to escape. The red balloons are flying and war will follow. The enemy forces have gathered, the prince of darkness is ready and the evil spirits have taken their positions in the world. War in Heaven and Earth will follow. Repent and change the side. Turn your heart to the LORD to be counted worthy to escape. Michael Triple Grace Go to far and exotic places with us: Support our Mission: The spiritual guidance of Triple Grace - the Book of Love - now available at Amazon:

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