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Prophetic Word for the 2nd of December 2018

Prophetic Word for the 2nd of December 2018 - You are called! You are called to change the world. You are called to shine your Light into dark places. You are called to bring many people to righteousness. Are you fulfilling your calling? Come together in Love, Unity and Support, build places of pure light as examples for all to see and lift up the needy, nameless and faceless. Unity is the key to the Millennium Kingdom. The enemy has already grouped up but we as the children of GOD are scattered. Come into the sheep fold of the Societies of the Rose and act as a strong unit against the evil forces. The LORD has called you forth in Love, Unity and Support! Maranatha Michael Triple Grace The 1 Million Dollar Challenge for all who are called: or If you have any question regarding the 1 Million Dollar Challenge then e-mail us at:

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