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End the year 2018 with a physical declaration towards the LORD!

End the year 2018 with a physical declaration towards the Kingdom of GOD! Become a Patron of the Kingdom - A Patron for the LORD! Declare your stand in the raging battle here: Stand tall for the LORD and declare it in the open so that the spiritual forces will count you to the Army of the Light. Now is the time to stand up and to take battle positions! Our Book of Love for the Birthday of our LORD: We are still giving away free Books for the Birth of our LORD and SAVIOR - For all of our Patrons! We give away 10 free Books of Love to all of our supporters who have become a Patron of the Kingdom until 24th of December 2018. Select any option and become a Patron: We will contact all winners after the Birthday of our LORD for their delivery addresses. In addition we give away 20 free Books of Love for our sponsors who took part in the 1 Million Dollar Challenge either at Patreon or here: Receive a free gift from Triple Grace and become a Patron for the LORD: Multiple donations increase the chances of winning one of the books. You can also donate by PayPal: We announce the winners at our website on the 25th of December 2018! We wish you all a fabulous Birthday of our LORD and a Happy New Year! May GOD bless you and your Family abundantly. Michael Triple Grace Daily prophetic Words:

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