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Prophetic Word for the 19th of December 2018

Prophetic Word for the 19th of December 2018 - Do you want to be one of the 144000? The preparation of the 144000 has begun. The LORD is searching the earth for whom He can seal at the proper time. Do you want to be one of the 144000? Then be on fire for the LORD, come out of your comfort zones, act as Jesus did and support one another instead to fight each other. Your heart will qualify you for a position within 144000 and not your denomination or church. Show forth Love, Unity and Support to all Nations and be the Light in the darkness. Walk as Jesus did, talk as Jesus did and act as Jesus did and you will be one of the 144000 who will be sealed by the angel of the LORD soon. Do you want to be one of the 144000 then come together in Love, Unity and Support! Michael Triple Grace Learn about the next level:

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