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Kindness to the poor is a loan to the Lord - New Year Offerings

2019 - Become a new man or woman "Kindness to the poor is a loan to the Lord" (Proverbs 19:17) - The first thing you do in 2019 shall be for the advancement of the Kingdom! Come out of hiding. Show forth your love to the Father. Walk the Nations in Love, Unity and Support for the Glory of the Lord. In 2019 be a new creation! Come together and a build a new world. A world that advances the Kingdom of God, a world that loves and support one another in true faith. A world that sees the Light inside of you. Become a new creation! Together we move and create a new thing. Join us, support us and establish assemblies of Love, Unity and Support in all Nations. You are called forth to build the Kingdom of the Lord here on Earth. Do your first step in your new life and support our missions in the Nations: Join us and build a new creation, a new standard against the evil flood and become a new creation in 2019: Become a new man or woman and come out of hiding! Show your faith, show your strength, show your support and confess that the Lord Jesus came in the flesh! Start 2019 with a strong show of your faith by doing an act of loving-kindness (New Years Offering) towards our Ministry: or by PayPal: "Kindness to the poor is a loan to the Lord" (Proverbs 19:17) Michael Triple Grace

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