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Prophetic Word for the 15th of January 2019

Prophetic Word for the 15th of January 2019 - The Midnight hour on 21st of January 2019 A cry is heard! The Bridegroom is coming! Now we will stand up, trim our lights, take our oil and walk into the darkness to meet Jesus. It is the time to step out onto the path towards the Millennium Kingdom, to shine your light into the Nations, into the darkness that will now cover the earth. At midnight the doors of the prison opened and the shackles feel to set you free. Walk now through the door into your destiny. You are set free! Come together in Love, Unity and Support to serve Jesus on the way towards the Millennium Kingdom. The doors are open to go forth to meet the Bridegroom by establishing lights in the Nations, Assemblies of Love and Righteousness. To be the Light in the Darkness. We are ready! Our lamps are trimmed, our oil is plenty and we walk towards our Bridegroom to come. Join us! Show your lights in your neighborhood by establishing an Assembly of the Rose in your area. Go forth onto the path towards Mt. Zion to meet Jesus, our Bridegroom. We are walking out in Faith with our lamps trimmed to shine the light into the Nations! You can walk with us: Be one of the 5 wise virgins and come out of your slumber. Together we walk towards our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. Michael Triple Grace

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