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Prophetic Word for the 18th of January 2019

Prophetic Word for the 18th of January 2019 - Wake up to the new way! The trumpet of the Lord is sounding. Now is the time to raise from your graves and enter your destinies that you have agreed before you were born. Your wake up letter has arrived! Enter your destiny on the new path towards the Kingdom of GOD. Join the Union of the LORD and fulfill your purpose to spread the Love of the Father to all Nations. The trumpet of the Lord is sounding! Raise up, trim you light and move into the Nations by establishing Assemblies of Righteousness in your neighborhood. Spread the Light to all people who are in need. Join us at Triple Grace to walk the new path of your destiny: Enter into the Union of God as a true son or daughter of the Father: Raise out of your graves, your inactivity and support the coming Kingdom: or Wake up to the new way - Your purpose and destiny in Christ Jesus! Michael Triple Grace

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