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Prophetic Word for the 20th of January 2019

Prophetic Word for the 20th of January 2019 - Faith or Works or maybe both? Faith without works is dead but works without Faith can not save you. So who is right? Have a look at an interesting discussion about both. Faith and righteous works walk hand in hand. You cannot separate one from the other but true faith will lead to righteous acts. Your walk in Christ Jesus without the following deeds or acts of loving-kindness is empty. But you are following the Holy Spirit by acting upon your faith in showing love, mercy and compassion to the needy and suffering in your neighborhood. Here the interesting videos about Faith, works or both: Faith through Grace leads to repentance and then righteous deeds follow from your heart because a loving heart cannot deny support and assistance to people in need. Our Lord and Savior Jesus did love acts of loving-kindness daily and all people witnessed it. He acted upon the love of the Father and He led His light shine into the darkness. Jesus is our great example and He called us to take our cross and follow Him. Copy His ways in faith and works and become a true son of GOD. Michael Triple Grace Support the creation of Assemblies of Righteousness in all Nations:

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