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Prophetic Word for the 1st of February 2019

Prophetic Word for the 1st of February 2019 - Only an example will bring in the Souls! Set an example of Love, Unity and Support and manifest the Love of the Father on Earth. Through an example we will bring in Souls to the Kingdom of Heaven. Come out of the world and out of the old thinking that preaching, talk and prayers alone will make you righteous in front of the Lord. GOD requires an example from you. This involves action and manifestation of all what you have received through prayers and studies of the bible. It involves righteous deeds even if you do not like to hear that. By setting an example you will be easily identified as a true son and daughter of GOD in your town and neighborhood. People will see your actions and want to join you to learn how to walk in a similar fashion. The Lord was our great example. Now the time has arrived when you need to be an example of righteousness for the Father in Heaven. We set such examples through the Societies of the Rose in all Nations and we walk the righteous path in Faith and Deeds. Join us and become part of a strong community: Help us to bring forth the example of righteousness in the world by becoming a Patron of the Societies of the Rose: or by PayPal: Only an open example for all to see will bring in the souls to the Lord! Michael Triple Grace

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