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Prophetic Word for the 9th of February 2019

Prophetic Word for the 9th of February 2019 - Where is your fruit? Where is your fruit? You sit in conferences with other saved people, you applaud yourself, you discuss the bible and you listen to sermons you have heard 100 times over. But where is your fruit? Have you spread the Gospel to the nameless, faceless, poor and needy? Have you told about our Lord to people who have never heard His name. Did you profess the Father to the ones who live without any GOD? Have you gone into the Nations or are you to complacent and think that you are saved and this is enough? Where is your fruit? Have you not read that a tree that bears no fruit is taken down and burned? Woe to you if you remain sitting! You might encounter an angel with a mighty axe. Come forth and follow the commandments of our Lord and Savior to go forth into the Nations to bring in the harvest of GOD: Become a Patron of this Mission: Sponsor it through PayPal: If you are wealthy, you might want to partner with the Mission monthly: Support the great Harvest by Bitcoin and send your donation to: 1G3WChkZzSF3gLTv1fWLqTmZW2nuYUXFhi Do not wait for the axe but place all your efforts in bringing forth fruits so that you pass as a good tree! Michael Triple Grace

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