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Prophetic Word for the 11th of February 2019

Prophetic Word for the 11th of February 2019 - For yourself or for the Kingdom? Are you acting in righteousness for yourself or the Kingdom? Are you bringing forth fruits that advance the Kingdom or do you want to rescue yourself only? Fruits that benefit yourself alone are selfish and are not fulfilling the commandments of the Lord. You are called to go into the Nations and to bring many people to righteousness and not to hide in your churches, meetings or conferences where only saved people are. Advance the Kingdom by going forth with us into the Nations to people who have never heard the name of the Lord, who are praying to idols and who have no GOD or a a false god. Fulfill the commandment of Jesus and join us in that Mission: Become a Patron of this Mission: Sponsor it through PayPal: If you are wealthy, you might want to partner with the Mission monthly: Support the great Harvest by Bitcoin and send your donation to: 1G3WChkZzSF3gLTv1fWLqTmZW2nuYUXFhi Ask yourself - Are you doing it for yourself or the advancement of the Kingdom? Then stand up and join us in our Missions: For yourself or for the Kingdom - That is the question! Michael Triple Grace

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