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Prophetic Word for the 28th of February 2019

Prophetic Word for the 28th of February 2019 - Power Houses of the Lord Societies of the Rose are the Power Houses of the Lord that will propel you onto the path towards Mt. Zion, the Holy Place of the Father. Come out of Babylon, the man-made churches, denominations and religions and walk the new, narrow path the East wind has created. The great Exodus has arrived and you cross the Waters on dry land to reach the new land, the promised land. At Mt. Zion you will lay your heart at the feet of the Father and you will enter paradise, the places prepared for you by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Come out of her and join the Power Houses of the Lord. Get propelled forward by the Hand of GOD free from false doctrines, religious spirits and man-made agendas. Walk the narrow path in Love, Unity and Support filled with Spirit and Truth. Join the Power Houses of the Lord - the Societies of the Rose - and enter your new way of Life, the narrow road towards the great Harvest at Mt. Zion. Michael Triple Grace

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