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Prophetic Word for the 8th of March 2019

Prophetic Word for the 8th of March 2019 - Walk with us to Zion! Come out of Babylon, man-made churches, denominations and join us to walk towards Zion where we will meet GOD, the Father. There is no time anymore. Pack, step out and change your Life. Repent and come together in Love, Unity and Support. Be separated in the power and glory of Jesus Christ. Rebuild the Altar of GOD now and stand against the old. A new thing is born now and you can be a part of it. Join us on the narrow path guided by the Holy Spirit, protected by the Holy Angels and clothed with the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit. Walk with us towards Zion, the Holy Mountain of the Lord. We will be a great multitude clothed in white at the base of the mountain and GOD will rapture us into paradise. The Lord will give us the places prepared for us in His Father's House. Give up all and place your heart at the feet of the Father. It is your eternity. Do not believe in men but walk as Jesus did and be a co heir of the Lord. Do everything in the name of the Father and not in your name. Walk with us to Zion, our Heavenly Home! The Gates of Paradise are opened for you - Walk with us through these narrow Gates! Come together in Love, Unity and Support by establishing Societies of the Rose in all Nations and gather the people together for the Father and stand with us at Mt. Zion to be counted worthy. Michael Triple Grace

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