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Prophetic Word for the 22nd of March 2019

Prophetic Word for the 22nd of March - Are you born again? Through Faith and Grace you are saved and born again into a new creation. Is this new creation sitting in a church and waiting for a miracle? Or is this creation keeping the faith always by doing what Jesus has commanded us and lifting up the needy and doing righteous deeds of love? To be born again is a new life and a new way of doing things. Not only words but also actions. Many people are not living up to their new life and are sliding back into the world being contented with an hour of church service a week. As the apostles said: Keep your faith alive every day by following all commandments given to you. "Love your neighbor as yourself" is not only a statement or some words but it needs daily active deeds. Are you lifting up the needy daily? Do you sacrifice in the name of the Father. Is your Faith cold or hot? Keep the Faith by being an example of righteousness in your neighborhood, sacrificing daily in the name of the Father and doing acts of loving-kindness to the poor and needy. If your Faith is strong your heart will change and then righteous deeds will follow. No truly born again believer can be contented with an one hour church sermon without doing righteous deeds in their neighborhood. Keep the Faith always and show the world that you truly love GOD, the Father and His only begotten son Jesus. Here a few ideas of how you can lift up the needy or help Missions into the Nations: Become a Patron of Triple Grace: Advance the Kingdom into the Nations: Lift up the needy through PayPal: Join us today at Triple Grace and build with us the Church 2.0: Michael Triple Grace

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