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Prophetic Word for the 29th of March 2019

Prophetic Word for the 30th of March 2019 - What will make you believe? What will make you believe that the Societies of the Rose will be your help to reach the dwelling place of the Father - Mt. Zion? When will you understand that the time and season have come where you must lay your heart at the feet of the Father and when you must come together in Love, Unity and Support? When will you understand that you must take part in the Great Exodus, come out of Babylon and walk towards Mt. Zion. Only at Mt. Zion will you be able to have access to the Holy Place and only there you can be raptured into Paradise! When will you see that we offer you the narrow path towards the Throne of Glory to meet the Father at His dwelling place? When will you see that we want to help you? And when do you step forward onto the righteous path? This is the time and season to act and come out of Babylon, the World controlled by Satan. Separate yourself from it and turn to the Father alone: What will make you believe that you must take part in the Great Exodus to be protected and rescued from all the calamities that will come onto the Earth? Take our hand and walk with us the path through the Red Sea towards the Mountain of the LORD where we will be raptured into Paradise: Believe, trust, take our helping hand and come together in Love, Unity and Support for the Father and His only begotten son Jesus Christ! Support the Great Exodus: or Michael Triple Grace

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