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Prophetic Word for the 12th of April 2019

Prophetic Word for the 12th of April 2019 - Event Horizon You were shown the Heaven opens in the Event Horizon image that spreads around the world. It is not a great achievement of men as declared but a gift from GOD and a hint to the near rapture of the Bride. But understand that when the Heaven opens also darkness can slip out and will come down to the Earth. The time is now for Judgements and the Seals to be opened. Be ready and lay your heart at the feet of the Father to become co-heirs with Christ Jesus and true Sons and Daughters of the Most High GOD. The Event Horizon is a sign for you that the time has arrived - The final has begun! Come out of the world and Babylon and walk towards the Holy Mountain to Mt. Zion. There you will be gathered into Paradise. A sign was given to you in the Stars, an Event Horizon in the constellation Virgo and a continuation of the Revelation 12 sign. See the Grace of GOD in it and know that the time is up. Your last chance to turn to the Father before the rapture of the Bride. Select eternity over the world and love over hatred. The Event Horizon is a sign for you that the time has arrived! Michael Triple Grace

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