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Prophetic Word for the 13th of April 2019

Prophetic Word for the 13th of April 2019 - The Dead rising The dead in Christ will rise and come out of their graves to be seen by many and to be a sign of the coming rapture of the Bride. A mighty army of Saints who will go with the Bride into Heaven. Many people will have their loved ones return in front of their eyes. Do not be afraid. This will be another sign of our mighty GOD. It is declared on the walls - The Dead will rise first! A major change is coming to the World and all eyes will see. Miracles and Wonders in the Sun, the Moon and the Stars and perplexity in the Nations. The sea and the waves roaring. Fall on your knees and repent because the Kingdom of GOD is at hand! Repent your sins and trespasses against the commandments of the Most High GOD and the omissions in following His commands on Earth. You have seen the sign of Jonah, the Event Horizon as the sign of the son of man and you are still following the world? You will see the dead rising but will that change your wicked mind? The wicked will continue to do wickedly and the righteous righteously. But in the Grace of the Father you can always come and lay your heart at His feet. Turn, Turn Children and come to your Father! The Dead are rising - You will see! Michael Triple Grace

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