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Prophetic Word for the 15th of April 2019

Prophetic Word for the 15th of April 2019 - The Alarm has sounded! The Trumpet was blown and the Alarm sounded. Get ready to break camp and to cross the Jordan towards your promised land. Have you heard the trumpet sounding? Have you heard the Stars singing? The time is now to stand up for our Father and for His only begotten son Jesus Christ. Put on your full armor, get ready in your battle gear - the Joel 2 Army is moving out onto the path towards the Holy Mountain, towards Mt. Zion. A great army of true sons and daughters of the Most High GOD, having put on the Helmet of Salvation and having the Sword of the Spirit in their hands, is ready to take the battle to the Gates. Standing tall against the darkness that is engulfing the world. The Alarm has sounded on the Holy Mountain! Join the Army of the Lord and fight with us against the enemy. Take the snake by the head and step on scorpions to gain the victory for the Father. Nothing can stop the great Army of GOD and nobody can stand in their ways. The trumpet is blown and the gathering takes place! Call a sacred assembly, gather the warriors and get ready to break camp. The time has come for a final battle against the darkness. Michael Triple Grace

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