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Prophetic Word for the 4th of June 2019

Prophetic Word for the 4th of June 2019 - Where will you go when my Judgements fall? Have you any idea how your world will change when my Judgements fall? Where will you go or where will you hide? I am preparing my Assemblies of Love and Righteousness to take my children in when I must come to judge the Nations. Come under my wings in these assemblies and walk the straight path towards my Holy Mountain so that I can rapture you into Paradise. Where will you go when my Judgements fall? I am opening a door for you and I am sending you instructions how to step through it by my prophets and saints. Listen to them and follow them onto the narrow path towards my throne of Glory. Only if you walk in Love, Unity and Support can I protect you. On your way you must gather my lost sheep to make the harvest of the ages complete. This is your destiny and purpose on earth. Michael Triple Grace

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