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Prophetic Word for the 18th of June 2019

Prophetic Word for the 18th of June 2019 - The Book of Acts comes alive My Church will become dynamic, active, alive and united, as it was in the first century - Societies of the Rose. Take courage, my people and work diligently at what I have placed in front of you! A dynamic, active, alive and united Movement - Triple Grace and the Societies of the Rose in the Nations The Book of Acts comes alive! Daily sacrifices of love, support for one another, love your neighbor as yourself, sharing resources and caring for the nameless and faceless. My new church is dynamic, active, alive and united in my name. They will be light in the darkness and a beacon of hope for many people. I am sending them out into the Nations to gather my remnant in Love, Unity and Support with the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit. The Book of Acts comes alive! Michael Triple Grace

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