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Prophetic Word for the 20th of June 2019

Prophetic Word for the 20th of June 2019 - Stay protected under my wings A time of trouble is coming onto the earth. Stay protected under my wings and walk through the open door I have provided. Safe Havens are being established - my assemblies of love and righteousness - filled with Love, Unity and Support. Join them and be protected by my powers. Stay protected under my wings! Come out of the world and Babylon because my judgements will fall swiftly and nobody who remains in the old ways will be spared. Only when you walk the narrow, straight path towards my holy mountain can I send my angels to protect you and take you by the hand. The enemy tries to keep you in complacency and in his area of influence, the world, by saying that your career, your family and your money are more important than my ways. Do not listen to the dark forces but join the light and show it forth into the Nations for all to see. Help me to gather my children into the places that I have prepared for them. Stay protected under my wings! Michael Triple Grace

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