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Prophetic Word for the 24th of June 2019

Prophetic Word for the 24th of June 2019 - You are in bondage You are still in bondage to the world and Satan. I have come to set you free but you must allow me to carry you through the open door. You will never find freedom in your worldly careers, worldly thinking or worldly honors and you can only find my ways if you turn to the heavenly kingdom of my Father. You are in bondage! The enemy has you taken captive with his temptations and you enjoy your comfortable life but this is all a delusion created to stop you from following me. Take your cross and follow me out of the world onto the straight and narrow path that will lead to my holy mountain. There I will take you into paradise and you will receive the mansions I have promised you. From that day forward you will be with me and my Father forever and ever. You are still in bondage! Michael Triple Grace

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