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Prophetic Word for the 27th of June 2019

Prophetic Word for the 27th of June 2019 - Gather the people in the streets I have come to you and invited you to the wedding supper but you were busy in your careers, your families and your daily life. You choose worldly affairs over my glory and refused to hear my voice. Nobody followed my invitation and the banquet place remained empty. Now I ordered my prophets to go into the streets and to gather anybody they can find and whosoever is willing to listen to them. Gather the people in the streets! They will go for the lost sheep and bring them in for the great harvest of the ages because my children refused to hear my calling. I will fill the banquet hall with people who have a pure heart, do the righteous deeds of my saints and show forth the love of my Father. Gather the people in the streets and on the ways! All are welcome who will listen to my words. Michael Triple Grace

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