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Prophetic Word for the 29th of June 2019

Prophetic Word for the 29th of June 2019 - A dark ending You are entering the times of seals and a dark ending. A dark ending for all who love their life above my ways. Who seek their careers, their riches and their luxuries. Who live in complacency and enjoy the temptations of the world. Do not be deceived! A dark ending will engulf you when you do not come out of the World and Babylon. I am coming to destroy the wickedness in high places and punish the lovers of unrighteousness. Do not burn my holiness in the fire of tolerance and call good evil and evil good. Many of my so called children have succumbed to the tactics of the enemy. He tries to use tolerance so that you overlook his evil strategies and his evil ways in murdering the unborn. I do not tolerate unrighteousness and I will be back with a dark ending for all who accept the ways of the World instead to walk the narrow, straight path. A dark ending is coming for all sinners! Repent and repent daily! Michael Triple Grace

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