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Prophetic Word for the 1st of July 2019

Prophetic Word for the 1st of July 2019 - Repent, I am at the door I am at the door and I am looking for a bride without spot and wrinkle. Repent of your sins and clean your garments. Repentance is the way towards the Kingdom. Make your garments white through my blood and follow the narrow path to salvation. Repent, I am at the door! I am calling my bride to repentance and to ready herself for my coming. I will take her to my Father's house. I promised you that I would come back to take you home and now the time has come to collect you from the earth. Repent, I am at the door! Stay under my wings and gather at the door to heaven. I am ready to take my bride to myself. I am at the door. Are you ready? Repentance is the way that leads to everlasting life. I commanded you to repent of your sins. Michael Triple Grace

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