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Prophetic Word for the 2nd of July 2019

Prophetic Word for the 2nd of July 2019 - Bride or not Bride? Are you my bride? Are you without spot and wrinkle? Are you without sin? I am calling my bride. The time has come. Prepare for my arrival. Stay out of sin and worldly pleasures so that I can find you worthy to go with me to my Father's House. Bride or not Bride? Very few people are fulfilling my calling and my requirements to be married to me. Do you truly love me? Why are you still in the world and do things of the world? The trumpet has blown and the cry was heard that the bridegroom is coming but you are still following your careers and you daily life. In this way you will not be ready to go with me. Many who claim to be my bride are very far away from my bridal expectations and anybody who fights with a fellow brother or sister has disqualified him or herself already. Get ready, stay out of sin and clothe yourself in my garments. Bride or not Bride? Michael Triple Grace

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