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Prophetic Word for the 6th of July 2019

Prophetic Word for the 6th of July 2019 - You can not serve 2 Masters You are trying to do the impossible. You want to serve two masters but this is not going to lead you to my Kingdom. Either you serve me completely or you remain in the world. You can not serve the world and my Kingdom at the same time. You can not serve two masters! Come out of the world and any false doctrines and seek me and righteousness so that you fully serve my Father's Kingdom. Can you not see the filth and sin that you accept and tolerate daily in your life, on TV and through your worldly desires? You can not serve two masters! Choose the narrow and straight path instead the wide road of the world. You need to separate yourself from the temptations that Satan has placed in your way. Come, take your cross and follow me! Michael Triple Grace

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