Prophetic Word for the 10th of July 2019
Prophetic Word for the 10th of July 2019 - You are the Weapon of the Lord I have trained you in the wilderness and the desert. I have prepared you well for your mission into the Nations. Now your training period is over and I require you to be my weapon in all dark places and in the four corners of the earth. You are my weapon! Use your knowledge and wisdom to stand strong in the battle with the enemy. Do not fear because I will be with you. Together we will take the battle to the Gates. Together we will enter the dragon layers and will snatch away my pearls from Satan. You are my weapon! I will not leave any of my sheep behind and all will have a choice to come back to me. I will use you as my weapon in the great battle with the Antichrist and Satan. I have prepared you well and you are stronger than you think. You are my weapon! Michael Triple Grace