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Prophetic Word for the 13th of August 2019

Prophetic Word for the 13th of August 2019 - I have commanded you I have commanded you to go into the Nations and to make disciples. Why then are you still sitting in your job, career or daily life? Step out of the old and enter new territory. I sent 72 followers out with nothing but their faith and the returned and blessed me because their journey was successful. Can you do the same? Can you trust me so much that you will go without your security, without money and alone? I have commanded you Today I am calling you forth again. Today you should take your cross and walk with me into the Nations to seek the lost sheep. Find the needy, the lost, the nameless and faceless and bring them onto my path that will lead to their glory in Paradise. I have commanded you Who will follow my calling? Who is strong enough in Faith to look for the lost sheep in the Nations. Who is willing to leave their secure places, their careers and their families to walk in my Grace? Michael Triple Grace

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