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Prophetic Word for the 21st of August 2019

Prophetic Word for the 21st of August 2019 - Rise in Faith Rise in the faith that shows forth my ways and my teachings. Be filled with Spirit and Truth that will lead you into eternal life. In full faith will you bring as many people as possible into righteousness and in full faith will you let your light shine in your surroundings. Rise in Faith! Only when you have matured in Faith can you be a true son or daughter of the Father and a co-heir with me of the Kingdom. Rise in faith to receive all the blessings that I have for you. Come out of the world and embrace the faith that I have shown to you. Rise in Faith! A mighty faith will bring Heaven down to Earth and will end all sufferings of my children. Faith will guide you onto the path towards my holy mountain. Rise in Faith! Michael Triple Grace

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