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Prophetic Word for the 2nd of September 2019

Prophetic Word for the 2nd of September 2019 - Elevation I will elevate you from Prison to adviser to the King. As Joseph was elevated so you will be elevated to the position I have for you. Receive a new level of understanding and wisdom from Heaven. A new mantle will be given to you and a new position is here for you. Elevation Your victory is at hand. What you have been praying for will be given to you and you will walk towards me every day. Power will be given to you to gather the Saints and the harvest as Joseph did. You will feed my sheep in dark times. Elevation I will raise you up to a new level in your life and you will walk the new path that will lead to eternal life. Victory is yours if you walk through the open door I placed in front of you. Spread the Gospel of the Kingdom and bring as many people as possible to righteousness. Michael Triple Grace

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