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Prophetic Word for the 18th of September 2019

Prophetic Word for the 18th of September 2019 - My people should know my word You are my people and you should know my words but you refuse to listen and remain in sin without repentance. You follow messages that tinkle your ears and that are soothing to your mind but I am coming to punish the sinners and I will start at my house. My people should know my word You are praying and singing to me in lukewarm churches and afterwards you return to the world that is controlled by the prince of the air. There is no repentance in your actions and sins are heaped upon sins. Your fake pastors preach about abundance and revival when I have declared judgements. My people should know my word Why do you follow such fake men when you know my words? There are signs in the sun, the moon and the stars but you do not look up instead you eyes are glued to your mobile phones. Your path is the path of destruction and of the devil. I am coming and I will punish you for all your sins because my people should know my words. Michael Triple Grace

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